✅ Passport, drivers license or ID and a Dutch bank account.
✅ You have to be at least 21 years of age. If you’re younger, you’ll have to bring a parent along for their signature.
✅ In case of late payment all future appointments will be canceled until you’re all caught up with your payments. This is your full and sole responsibility.
✅The first installment is paid in the salon with a debit card. All other instalments will be collected via automatic transfer on the last day of the month.
✅In case of late payment amounting to 3 monthly installments or more, the entire contract amount, minus payments already made, is due and payable in full. We will also start charging interest. You will still have the rights to maintain your extensions according to the contract.
✅ Early cancellation is not possible. In case you’re not sure you want to enter into this contract, you can always choose to pay the total amount in the salon in one go.
✅ Op het moment dat je klant wenst te worden, verstrekken wij jouw gegevens aan Economic Data Resources B.V. (EDR). EDR zal op basis van deze gegevens een advies geven over jouw kredietwaardigheid. EDR gebruikt jouw gegevens voor onderzoek naar jouw kredietwaardigheid en contactgegevens. Als je bezwaar wil maken of informatie wenst over het gebruik van jouw persoonsgegevens door EDR, zie; https://www.edrcreditservices.nl/privacy-statement...